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Brambus is extremely pleased to announce - only a couple months after his outstanding release "This Old World" - the next step of Danny Santos, here together with his bluegrass band, for the first full length album in that line up.
Barbecue and Bluegrass music are almost an obligatory thing in Texas. As such, many a barbecue joint and cafe throughout the state offer "live Bluegrass music", along with their generous steaming helpings of barbecued ribs, brisket and chicken. Singer/songwriter, Danny Santos and his band members first met and decided to form a band in one of those establishments called Artz Rib House in beautiful South Austin in 1994-1995. Their newest CD entitled, "Hogtied", is an album that delves richly into the mandolin, banjo & guitar-driven realm of Bluegrass music. This newest Brambus Records release was mostly co-produced alongside Danny by good friend, Eddie Collins, a well known and respected Texas Bluegrass musician & music instructor. This new album has several new tunes co-written by Danny and his songwriting partner of many years, Steve Brooks. The title track, "Hogtied", is a song that was written quickly by Danny and Steve after a telephone conversation with a friend describing being left behind by a fickle lover. "Billy the Kid Died for Love" is another Santos/Brooks collaboration that is loosely centered around the historic Wild West figure of Billy the Kid. The premise being that Billy was on his way to visit his love interest when he was waylaid by a New Mexico lawman who ended his young life. Yet another Santos/Brooks tune is "Any kind of Love", a song that lauds all the multi faceted forms of love and being grateful for any and all of them. There are also four songwriting contributions by members of Los Bluegrass Vatos. The band's mandolinist, Wes Green, wrote a lovely mid tempo instrumental called "Snake Eyes" featuring mandolin and banjo. Also, co-producer and fellow Bluegrass Vato & banjo picker, Eddie Collins, has three offerings with an additional two instrumentals called "Hobo's Hubub" and "The Night Watchman" and also a beautiful ballad featuring only vocal and banjo, named "Lazy Creek". Additionally, there is a re-mix and remastered version of an older Danny-penned tune called "Suburbia Blues". And if that weren't enough, there's a classic, smoking version of "Rider", done by Danny and band. The album is rounded out and interspersed with some older classics, such as "Josephine", "Hungry for Love", "Tellin' Me Things I Need Her To", "Before You Turn 'Round and Go" and "Sittin' on Top of the World".
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Brambus is extremely pleased to announce the fourth CD of Texas Singer-Songwriter DANNY SANTOS for the label.
The album process for ~This Old World~ started in the Spring of 2012 and came to fruition the following Spring of 2013. So the work took a full year to complete. The title track, "This Old World", sums up life on planet earth in this modern day and age. This new album , in part, is a reflective look back at the songwriter's own personal life with familiar themes such as love gained and love lost and the complexities found in most relationships.... even anger and disillusion. "He Said, She Said", "Blinded" and "Red Haired Woman Blues" are prime examples. But some tunes are purely fictional accounts of drunken amorous debauchery such as "Adonde Se Fue Mi Amor" co written with Steve Brooks and Seymour Guenther in which a lover is left with empty pockets and a hangover after a long night of partying in a Texas border town. Another theme was a bit more reality based: "Texas Wildfire" is a true account of the terrible 2011 central Texas wild fires. This haunting and sparsely produced track was co written with long time friend Mike Kearney.
But not all songs included on this new CD, the fourth for this artist on Brambus Records, are sad, raucous or of love gone wrong. An older tune written in 1993 entitled "Tellin' Me Things I Need Her To" and Richard Dobson's "It's Been This Way Forever" are classic love songs! Rounding things out are a few public domain tunes such as "Banks of the Ohio", "Deep Ellum Blues". Additionally there are two bonus tracks performed "live" at Austin's legendary cafe Threadgill's of "Two Dollar Bill" and "Black Mountain Rag".
Danny Santos will be on tour in Mid-Europe in November 2013, together with his longtime friend and guitar player Mike Kearney. Dates are on our facebook site and on - but currently still in work.
Die Arbeiten am neuen Album started im Frühjahr 2012 und wurden erst gerade abgeschlossen. Mehr als ein Jahr intensiver Arbeit seitens des Songwriters. Der Titeltrack "This Old World" rechnet das Leben auf dem Planeten Erde in diesen modernen Tagen und Zeiten auf. Das neue Album ist teilweise ein reflektiver Blick zurück auf des Songwriters eigenes persönliches Leben mit familiären Themen wie gefundene Liebe, verlorene Liebe und der Komplexittät in vielen Beziehungen, inklusive Aerger und Desillusion. "He Said, She Said", "Blinded" und "Red Haired Woman Blues" sind hier die wichtigen Beispiele. Einige Songs sind reine Fiktion, etwa das mit Steve Brooks und Seymour Guenther geschriebene "Adonde Se Fue Mi Amor", wo ein Liebhaber zurückgelassen wird mit leeren Taschen und einem mächtigen "Hangover" nach einer langen Partynacht irgendwo in einer texanischen Grenzstadt. Ein anderes Thema ist realistischer: "Texas Wildfire" ist eine wahre Aufzählung von den wilden Feuerausbrüchen im zentralen Texas im Jahre 2011. Dieser Song wurde bewusst spärlich produziert und von Danny Santos zusammen mit seinem langjährigen Freund und Tourbegleiter Mike Kearney geschrieben.
Aber nicht alle Liebeslieder auf dem neuen CD sind traurig oder fehlgeleitet. Ein älterer Song geschrieben 1993 mit dem Titel "Tellin' Me Things I Need Her To" und Richard Dobson's "It's Been This Way Forever" sind klassische Liebeslieber in typischem Texas-Gewand. Dazu kommen dann noch zwei traditionelle Nummern wie "Banks Of The Ohio" und "Deep Ellum Blues" und als Bonus zwei Live-Tracks aus Austin's legendärem Café Threadgill's: "Two Dollar Bill" and "Black Mountain Rag".
This Old World
There ain't no right or wrong
There's only sink or swim
There ain't no road too long
To get to where you've been
There ain't no even keel
There's only up or down
There ain't but how you feel
To get to where you're bound
This old world it turns and spins
As we blindly go our way
This old world it learns and skins
Us up more and more each day
There ain't no black and white
There's only shades of gray
There ain't no dark of night
That'll keep you from your way
Red Haired Woman Blues
She's got a lovely smile and she knows it too
She'll do you up in style then makes a fool of you
When it's said, done & through
Red haired woman blues
She walks into a room you'll thinks she makes it bright
But then none too soon it's darker than the night
When it's said done & through
Red haired woman blues
If you see her come, come, coming
You best be run, run, running!
Why did I have to stray into her world unkind
Now I curse the day she walked into mine
When it's said done & through
Red haired woman blues
What can a poor boy do when she heads his way
Except to bid adieu before she up and stays
When it's said done & through
Red haired woman blues
If you see her come, come, coming
You best be run, run, running!
Texas Wildfire
They're hotter than Hell Summer times here in Texas
Like Satan's right hand reaches straight up then gets us
It's been so damn long since we've had a good rain
Could be we'll nary see a drop again
A spark and a hot wind are all that it takes
Provided by nature or human mistake
To see all that we know scorched down all ëround
Just like it did up around Bastrop town
Feelin' forsaken and forever changed
Reelin' more shaken than e'r again
Well I've been burned before but never like this
Getting singed by a flame I never did kiss
I ran out my front door and wished myself luck
Grabbed a few things and threw them in the truck
I stood by a road sign and heard not one sound
While watching my world slowly burn to the ground
And noted most clear as those red flames leapt higher
Hell must be just like a Texas Wildfire
Hell must be just like a Texas Wildfire
Adonde Se Fue Mi Amor
I met her in Nuevo Laredo
In a cafÈ just off of the square
She whispered while nudging me under the table
Did I have time and money to spare?
She told me about a cantina
Where turistas never would stray
Where tequila did flow like the ol' Rio Bravo
And a dollar would go a long way
Adonde se fue mi amor
Adonde adonde se fue
Adonde se fue mi amor
Adonde se fue no se!
We danced to a racy ranchera
While the strings and the trumpets did swell
Her eyes bewitching una curandera
Seducing me under her spell
In the morning my pockets were empty
As the sunrise it found me alone
My head, it did ache what a dreadful mistake
My love and my money were gone
Well I can't see the forest if I can't even see the trees
Hell I can't see the forest if I can't even see the trees
Looking ëround and ëround and ëround
Can't even see if I'm up or down
Well I can't see the forest if I can't even see the trees
Hell I can't see the forest if I can't even see the trees
Well I run in circles when I should fly a line like a bee
Yeah I run in circles when I should fly a line like a bee
All that I do is run and run
Until my wings melt in the hot sun
Well I run in circles when I should fly a line like a bee
Yeah I run in circles when I should fly a line like a bee
Blinded! Blinded a lot
Blinded by the things I see
And those that I cannot
So I asked my lover if her heart still belonged to me
Yeah I asked my lover if her heart still belonged to me
As she listened to the words I said
Then replied she'd be better off dead
Yeah I asked my lover if her heart still belonged to me
Yeah I asked my lover if her heart still belonged to me
He Said She Said
He said: I could never be
All of those things that you saw in me
Our love was just slightly more than absentee
He said he said
She said: I can never find
A man that'll stay until the end of time
Or give me a reason or the way to rhyme
She said she said.
Ain't it true, yeah what we do
When we're through, being two!
He said: She's been known
To send me all her lovin' on the telephone
Then up and left me standing there all alone
He said he said.
She said: He's too much talk
And he watches his money like a chicken hawk
He'll try and squeeze a dime ëtil he makes it squawk
She said she said.
Tellin' Me Things I Need Her To
I've got this hankerin'
For a brand new spankerin'
A genuine feel me right pearl
No need in wonderin' I want a love that's thunderin'
Anything that goes kind of girl
One that fills me through and through It's true!
And when I'm feeling down she always seems to come around
Tellin' me things I need her to
I don't need a heart that's whisperin'
I want a love that's blisterin'
Everything you need kind of feel
I just want a believable darn right true conceivable
A bonified do you right deal
It's Been This Way Forever
Well the rain falls down on this old town's Garden walls and towers
On weathered tile and cobblestone the rain falls down for hours
And down below the river flows on to its own endeavor
And you and me we're still in love and it's been this way forever
And the river it runs green and silver
Flowing through all of our dreams
Rolling from time out of memory
And nobody knows what it means
But the swallows come in the summer time soaring over the steeples
And the kids jump from the wooden bridge and no one tries to stop them
And the river sings its ancient tune comes down through the ages
Long ago is only yesterday and the seasons turn the pages
But the people come and the people go with their languages and religion
Celtic Roman holy men with their stories, saints and visions
And all this time the river flows in every kind of weather
And you and me we're still in love it's been this way forever
Banks of the Ohio
I asked my love to take a walk
Just to walk a lil' ways
And as we walk oh may we talk
All about our wedding day
Oh please say that you'll be mine
In our home we'll happy be
Down beside where the waters flow
On the banks of the Ohio
I took her by her lily white hand
And I took her to where that river stands
And I threw her in to drown
And then I watched as she floated on down
Well returning back home
Between twelve and one
Thinkin' ëbout this crime lord that I had done
For I killed the girl I love you see
Because she would not marry me
The very next day ëbout half past four
The sheriff's men came knocking on my door
The said young man come now and go
To the banks of the ohio
Deep Ellum Blues
Well if you go down to deep Ellum
Put your money in your shoe
'cause women in deep Ellum
Got them deep Ellum blues
Oh sweet mama your daddy's got them deep Ellum blues
Oh sweet mama your daddy's got them deep Ellum blues
Well once I had a girlfriend
You know she meant the world to me
Now she's in deep Ellum
And she ain't what she used to be
Well if you go down to deep Ellum
To have you a little fun
Have your ten dollars ready
When the policeman comes
Once I knew a preacher
Preached the bible through and through
He went down to deep Ellum
Now his preaching days are through
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Correct, Danny Santos needed quiet a bit of time to get his third CD for brambus finished, but it grew up to be a strong and typical collection of Santos-songs! Certainly love features strongly in the life of a tex-mex-guy like Danny Santos and he puts this strong theme into a nice array of songs. But he also things about his favourite ice-cream…
The album has thirteen titles, mostly new and self penned songs by Danny Santos, but also a few co-written songs with Steve Brooks and his own version of the old hit “Sittin’ On Top Of The World”. The album features all song lyrics and some foto impressions from Texas, being the right background for Danny Santos’ music. Typical Austin-songwriter with a tex-mex twist and a very fine voice that gives the right touch to every song.
Danny Santos is back in Europe early October 2009, dates will follow on time. If you have a suitable location nearby, let us know and we bring him there!
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DANNY SANTOS ist seit zwei Jahren bei der BRAMBUS-FAMILIE erlesener Songwriter mit dabei und mit seinem Debutwerk Sinners And Saints sehr viel positive Beachtung und tolle Kritiken gesammelt. Mit zwei feinen Tourneen, die ihn unter anderem an das Montreux-Jazzfestival, ans legendäre und leider verschwundene Frutigen-Songwriterfestival und an die Sommer-Open-Airs von Thun (Inselifestival) und Schaffhausen (Pantli-Festival) gebracht haben, konnte er seine nationale Position festigen. Noch Ende September steht ein weiterer Besuch durch die mitteleuropäische Clubszene an, die entsprechenden Termine sind weiter unten gelistet.
Danny Santos gehört zur Elite der Songwriterzunft von Austin (Texas). Seine Artgenossen wie der verstorbene Townes Van Zandt, der ebenfalls zur Brambus-Familie gehörende Richard Dobson, Guy Clark oder Robert Earl Keen sind die für ihn wegweisenden Kollegen aus der texanischen Songwriterzunft. Mit seiner Begleitband den Bluegrass Vatos spielt Danny Santos ein zumeist akustisch instrumentiertes Set, welches für seine markante Stimme gut Raum lässt. Ueberzeugende Leistungen auf Gitarre und Mandoline, prägnante Stimme und feinstrukturierte Songs sind das Markenzeichen von Danny Santos, der auch auf seinem neuen Album wieder zehn selbstgeschriebene Songs und zwei Coversongs von geschätzten Kollegen eingespielt hat. Tief verwurzelt in der Texas-Songwriterzunft und mit einem guten Ohr in Richtung Tex-Mex-Einflüssen begeistert Danny Santos auf der neuen Produktion, die spartanisch arrangiert ist und gerade deswegen viel Sympathie und Freunde finden wird.
DANNY SANTOS is member of the outstanding brambus-songwriters-family since little over two years and has found rave critics for his debut cd Sinners And Saints for the label and he did a few very successful tours, playing the Montreux jazzfestival, the legendary but unfortunately now gone singer-songwriter-festival of Frutigen, played open-air festivals in Thun (Inseli) and in Schaffhausen (Pantli) with his trio line-up and with big big success. And at the end of September of this year, Danny Santos will team up with Austin friend and fine musician Mike Kearney to tour Europe again with this new album in their bags!
Danny Santos is part of the first league of Austin singer-songwriters and can be named at the side of acts like Townes Van Zandt, Hal Ketchum, Richard Dobson, Guy Clark or Robert Earl Keen all leading acts of the Texas songwriter-scene. With his sideband The Bluegrass Vatos, Danny Santos usually plays mostly acoustic sets, which leave space for his remarkable voice and for the sensitive work on guitars and mandoline. The same way the new album was caught: pretty much direct and with only little arrangements, not overloading the songs but leaving enough space for the fine musicians and their instruments. As on the earlier named debut cd of Danny Santos, he recorded mostly self penned songs, greatly written in between Texas singer-songwriter tradition and influences of Tex-Mex-music. Ten out of twelve songs are written by himself and two well-selected covers complete the new album, which will a new step forward for the outstanding writer and performer. Give him a listen, now
Review Country Music Switzerland September 2003
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Was für ein Juwel der Songwriterkunst! Wir freuen uns, mit Danny Santos einen weiteren Austin-Songwriter der Spitzenklasse in unserem Roster aufnehmen zu dürfen. Danny Santos versteht es bestens eingängliche Songs zu schreiben. Dies zeigt er hier mit einer vielseitigen Auswahl aus seinem Repertoire und das Spektrum ist weit. Es reicht vom typischen Austin-Song zu leicht bluegrass-nahen Themen, wird wohlig bereichert durch typische Tejano-Nummern, in welcher auch das unverkennbare Akkordeon im All-Acoustic-Lineup nicht fehlen darf. Santos schreibt Songs mit ausgesprochen viel Harmoniegefühl und ist so extrem zugänglich und haftet sofort im Ohr, als besondere Empfehlung möchten wir hier nur schon seinen Titel Desperado erwähnen, nicht zu verwechseln mit dem gleichnamigen Eagles-Song!
Der in Südtexas geborene Danny Santos wurde von der Elite der Texas-Songwriter geprägt: Townes Van Zandt und Guy Clarke gehören zu seinen Haupteinflüssen, aber auch die neue Generation mit Namen wie Hal Ketchum hat Spuren hinterlassen, Spuren, die Danny Santos nun zur ersten Liga der Texas-Songwriter bringt.
Singer/Songwriter Danny Santos melds the inspiration of his Tejano heritage, a musical legacy ranging from Hank Williams to the Beatles and a Texas-sized determination to create a unique mix of country/folk tinged with Bluegrass and the Blues. His songs illuminate the joys of true love, the woes of love lost and the weary longing of those still searching. Its a style forget from maturity, grit and drive. Possessing a strong expressive voice and a compelling on stage presence, weather he appears solo or fronting an all-acoustic band. Born in South Texas, Danny began playing the guitar at age thirteen, singing and songwriting seemed to just naturally follow soon after. Influenced by the music of the day in his youth but later by the likes of Townes Van Zandt, Guy Clark and that whole Texas singer/songwriter genre. And how did the reknown Slaid Cleaves say about him: Love songs, murder songs, what more could you want? Danny Santos sings his evocative songs with a pure and natural tenor. Hes one of my unsung heroes of the Austin singer/songwriter scene - and he is the newest addition to the brambus family of excellent songwriters! Discover him and his songs on the new debut album for brambus!