Currently available from Brambus Records:
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Brambus freut sich, das 25jährige Bestehen mit einer weiteren wunderbaren Produktion feiern zu dürfen. Unsere im Tessin beheimatete Jazzformation LABOttega hat sich für ein denkwürdiges Konzert in der italienischen Enklave Campione mit dem weltbekannten italienischen Trompeter Paolo Fresu getroffen und das Konzert "Live" eingespielt. Wir freuen uns, das Konzert nunmehr in CD-Form einer breiten Oeffentlichkeit anbieten zu können.
Persönliche Notizen des Bandleaders Claudio Pontiggia zur Produktion:
"Ich möchte nicht überheblich erscheinen, aber nachdem ich diese Aufnahme mehrmals gehört habe, fällt mir dazu lediglich ein Adjektiv ein: Fantastisch! Bei einer Live-Aufnahme nimmt man sicherlich einiges an Risiko auf sich. Aber gerade unter Berücksichtigung unserer Geschichte, die im Jahre 2007, mit unserer Gruppe von passionierten Musikern begann (ja, wenn ich an diese vielen Jahre denke), kann meine Einschätzung nur Freude und grosse Genugtuung sein. Ich besitze das „absolute Musikgehör“ (und bin auch noch Perfektionist): deshalb höre ich jeden Fehler (ich habe auch alle Arrangements bearbeitet), aber die musikalische Qualität und die vielen enthaltenen Emotionen überschatten die kleinen Unreinheiten. Verblüffend Paolos Einleitung zu Beginn der CD, wie auch die Rhythmik-Sektion in „Romeo & Gliulietta“. „Minuano“, eines der absolut schwierigsten Stücke, hat uns gezeigt, dass wir uns sehr verbessert haben. Unbedingt zu empfehlen: der Nachhall im Stück „Emola“, die langen und berührenden Phrasen in Paolo’s Solo in „C’era Una Volta In America“ (ein Solo, dass jeder junge Trompeten-Student nachahmen sollte). „Schindler’s List“, unser Bravour-Stück und zuletzt, Frank Tortiller grosse Komposition “Les Amoureuses”. Es ist mir egal, wenn man mich für eingebildet haltet, aber diese CD ist mit Emotionen und tiefgründigen Klängen bestückt, wie ich nur selten gehört habe. Ich wünsche allen eine vergnügliche musikalische Reise." Claudio Pontiggia
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Brambus is very proud to welcome a new project from southern Switzerland in its family of jazz and world: LABOttega, a wonderful project of Claudio Pontiggia, former member of the well known “Vienna Art Orchestra”.
It has been a long time since LABOttega’s first CD - almost four years - and the second album is now being published in a time that many depict as of crisis for the records industry. In such circumstances two questions arise, “why?” and “for whom?”.
“I can only say that this recording is the result of the passion of the band’s musicians and our fans' who believed in us, and concert after concert have asked for an album in which every feature of the band could be found”:
LABOttega is an ensemble conceived and directed by Claudio Pontiggia that brings together professional musicians with different personalities, thus creating an unmistakable sound with diverse roots such as jazz, classical and contemporary music, and African rhythm.
ilBotteghino is a band with changeable geometry born out of a small section of LABOttega that gives life to popular traditional music, with Celtic harp accompanied by guitar variations and improvisations and a brilliant rhythmic session. But this is not all… in fact the repertoire goes from classical and contemporary musical culture to the swinging atmospheres of jazz.
ilTrio is composed by two instruments of great tradition, such as the Celtic harp and the bodhran fusing together with modern sounds of the electric guitar, with the vivid freedom of mixing different sounds with ancient music and giving life to melodic and harmonic songs.
Brambus is very proud to welcome a new project from southern Switzerland in its family of jazz and world: LABOttega, a wonderful project of Claudio Pontiggia, former member of the well known “Vienna Art Orchestra”.
It has been a long time since LABOttega’s first CD - almost four years - and the second album is now being published in a time that many depict as of crisis for the records industry. In such circumstances two questions arise, “why?” and “for whom?”.
“I can only say that this recording is the result of the passion of the band’s musicians and our fans' who believed in us, and concert after concert have asked for an album in which every feature of the band could be found”:
LABOttega is an ensemble conceived and directed by Claudio Pontiggia that brings together professional musicians with different personalities, thus creating an unmistakable sound with diverse roots such as jazz, classical and contemporary music, and African rhythm.
ilBotteghino is a band with changeable geometry born out of a small section of LABOttega that gives life to popular traditional music, with Celtic harp accompanied by guitar variations and improvisations and a brilliant rhythmic session. But this is not all… in fact the repertoire goes from classical and contemporary musical culture to the swinging atmospheres of jazz.
ilTrio is composed by two instruments of great tradition, such as the Celtic harp and the bodhran fusing together with modern sounds of the electric guitar, with the vivid freedom of mixing different sounds with ancient music and giving life to melodic and harmonic songs.